Safety Is Priority
Unitech believes the personal health and safety of every employee to be of primary importance including other contractors, visitors and the public. Employees are WHMIS trained before ever entering a work site and receive site specific orientations for each project.
Safety Culture
Unitech’s objective is a strong company safety culture that recognizes our roles and is motivated to function together to recognize hazards and implement controls to reduce the number or injuries and illnesses to an absolute minimum. Employees are encouraged to participate throughout the Health, Safety and Environment program through training and awareness, hazard assessments, inspections, audits, investigations, daily tailgate and weekly tool box meetings, and the ongoing review and improvement of all safety related processes.
Our Commitment
Unitech’s commitment to maintaining a Health, Safety and Environment program that meets and exceeds the requirements of legislative standards and compliance has been awarded a Certificate Of Recognition (COR). The COR certifies that our health and safety management system has been evaluated and certified by a certified auditor and met the requirements of the provincial standards.